The Pohlman Family

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sunday - church and tidal pool day.

On Sunday, we went out for breakfast at a place overlooking Ocean Beach and then went to church. It was nice to sit in the pew with my family and not be in charge of anything.
In the afternoon we went to the tidal pools at Cabrillo National Park.
Here is Evy in the stroller with her new Dora sunglasses.

Larye halfway down the side of the cliff. The tidal pools were at the bottom.
The tidal pools and all the other people who came out to enjoy the wonderful day.
This is really the only way to get your toddler across the rocks and into the water she so desperately wants to put her bare toes into.
Evy posing on the rocks on our way back up the cliff.

Can you tell I like these shots? I couldn't help but take this picture. Their outfits match!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Saturday- Beach Day!

We spent almost all day Saturday at a beach. We started in the morning at Mission Beach where Evy dug in the sand, made sandcastles, and eventually talked Larye into letting her wade into the ocean.

We ate lunch and then headed for Coronado Beach to swim! By the afternoon it was warm and the beach was wonderfully clean and the ocean was cold.

Famous Hotel Coronado


We went to San Diego the Thursday after Ash Wednesday and stayed for five nights. It was warm and wonderful and relaxing. Evy loved all the activities. When she got tired though she'd ask to "go home to the purple house."

I have lots of pictures so I will devote a day to each post.
We got in late Thursday night after barely making our flight out of Minneapolis. So our first day of fun was Friday.
Friday afternoon we went to Old Town which may be where the first people from Mexico settled. It was hard to really figure out the history since we got there just as all the museum buildings were closing. But that is one serious cactus, and some seriously cute family members.

Evy's favorite part of Old Town was the candy shop (we didn't get any pictures because whoever coined the term "bull in a china shop" had never been with a 2-year-old in a candy shop). She also loved the fountain in the town square. Here are the pictures of Evy and the fountain:

Little early February catch-up

Here are some of our photos from Feb.

Evy had a great Valentine's Day. She loved opening all her cards and presents.

Evy also had a great time making all the valentines she sent out. Here she is giving a Martha Stewart-esque description of making valentines.

We finally took Evy to spend her Christmas money. She wanted a baby. Here she is making cribs for her babies, burping her new baby, and putting her back to bed. She also got a stroller for her babies.

Love you...more is coming as I have tons of photos from our vacation.