The Pohlman Family

Monday, September 17, 2007

Children's Museum

Ok...this place is cool and Evy loved it.

We set her on top of the overhead projector (it wasn't hot). She loved all the colorful bits of plastic and the bright light. Really she only says a few words, mama, dada, all done, and light. So this was good stuff.

She also adores any telephone we will let her play with. This one was great. The only problem was that she kept trying to press the big "button" in the middle. Rotary dialing is lost on this girl.

In the baby room there was a woman who just blew bubbles for her.

And there were tons of great big windows at her level. She was fascinated with seeing outside from up high. We were on the 4th floor.

They also had a place where the babies and toddlers could "ice fish". Here is Evy reeling in her...


Finally, these flower spun and she loved having them all in her reach.

She has taken one or two hesitant steps on her own. I am trying hard to get video confirmation, but she is a sneaky walker. We tried hard at the Children's Museum, but I think she knows we'll just carry her wherever she want to go. All she has to do is ask. After we got home and ate lunch on Saturday she took a really good nap! It was a long and fun day.

State Fair Weekend take two.

So, I know it has been a while. Please be a forgiving blogosphere community. Evy is one active girl, and most night by the time she goes to bed Larye and I aren't too far behind. But, after a long wait here are the pictures from going to the State Fair with Granny and Papa. We honestly didn't get as many pics as I had hoped.
Here is Evy getting a much needed stroller break in front of the Meditation Tent.

Papa and Evy really checked out her stroller.

And then she decided she liked his hat better.

If you have really good eyes you can see Granny in the background. She is wearing a red shirt. She was a primary Evy pusher, so sadly she didn't get in many pictures, but listen for her voice in this video...

Yes, it's official Evy likes corn.

Love you all...I will try to post the pics from this weekend's trip to the Children's Museum soon.