The Pohlman Family

Friday, February 15, 2008

Catching up

Hello! Life has been busy at our house. I was in Guatemala for a week and Larye's in his busy season at work, so sorry for that lack of pics. But, here are the latest. They are not the greatest, but Evy rarely stands still these days and it's wonderful.

New Year's Day
Getting ready for her tubby bath.

Working with Daddy on the computer.
Wearing the hat Granny made her. (She will finally leave it on!

"Heart" is one of Evy's new favorite words.

Sick little girl on Valentine's Day playing with her notebook from Grandma.
This is Evy's newest game. You help her wash her hands after a meal and then tell her to dry her hands. She pulls the towel off the fridge and hands it to you. Evy then turns her back toward you and backs up. She wants you to tie the towel around her like a cape. She will wear the cape and "fly" for a good 15 mins.Thanks for looking, and hopefully we'll have less time between posts from now on.