The Pohlman Family

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sunday - church and tidal pool day.

On Sunday, we went out for breakfast at a place overlooking Ocean Beach and then went to church. It was nice to sit in the pew with my family and not be in charge of anything.
In the afternoon we went to the tidal pools at Cabrillo National Park.
Here is Evy in the stroller with her new Dora sunglasses.

Larye halfway down the side of the cliff. The tidal pools were at the bottom.
The tidal pools and all the other people who came out to enjoy the wonderful day.
This is really the only way to get your toddler across the rocks and into the water she so desperately wants to put her bare toes into.
Evy posing on the rocks on our way back up the cliff.

Can you tell I like these shots? I couldn't help but take this picture. Their outfits match!


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