The Pohlman Family

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pentecost/Mother's Day

Happy Double Holiday to you all! Here's a shout out to all the mothers and everyone who's down with the Holy Spirit.

I just had to share Evy's picture of the day...

And this is our little girl wearing daddy's tie...

Monday, May 05, 2008

It is still Easter until Sunday... here are the pictures from the Resurrection of Our Lord (Easter Morning).

Evy got a little basket, and one big gift. Here is her new kitchen.

She loves the clock.

Here she is downstairs. She wasn't in the best mood. She wanted to eat lunch and sleep all at the same time. Which was right now.

She was unhappy until we went upstairs and she got to look for eggs.

This photo was actually taken on Saturday. While Jesus was in the tomb, we colored eggs.
Blessings on your whole 50 days of Easter.