The Pohlman Family

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Evy is 2!

Yes, our daughter is 2 today. To start Evy's Birthday, we went to the Juneteenth Parade. We found a nice shady spot to watch the parade. Here I am with Evy. She really improves the picture.

This is Melissa with Evy. Evy is having a animal cracker snack.

This is much later in the day. Evy had a Taco bar for her birthday party. After having some beans, cheese, avocado and other tasty things, Evy gets to eat her Butterfly cake that was beautifully prepared by Mommy.

This is Evy enjoying her cake... well, more the frosting...

This is Evy working on opening some presents tonight. We decided she would like presents in Dora paper.

More present opening... notice the excitement in Evy's face!

Evy is very thrilled with her new Dora bag - thanks Granny & Papa!

Now, it's movie time. First of all, a film from the parade today.

Second, some opening presents... and pirates!

Finally, if I have any HTML skills, this should be a video of Evy with luggage.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Baking Cookies

Evy and I were upstairs playing with her kitchen and I asked her if she was making pretend cookies. She did not hear the word Pretend. She dashed for the stairs joyfully squealing, "Cookies! Cookies!" So we had to make cookies. Here at the pictures.

Evy being so good, standing on the stool and stirring the cookies.

Debating picking up a raw one just to try it out. (I set down the camera and put an end to the raw cookie interest...ewww.)

Cookie eating, milk drinking.

See food.

Post-cookie downer.

And the videos...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

We are planning a party.

Watch your mail....Lots of Love.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Planting and Growing

Our little girl is really growing lately. She wants to try everything by herself. She especially loves taking off her shoes and sock and then putting her sandals on, on the wrong feet. Here is a little bit of video of her helping us plant peas.