The Pohlman Family

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Minnesota State Fair!

We went to the fair yesterday. It was a trial run for when Granny and Papa come on Friday. Evy likes cheese curds...big surprise. She only got to eat a little of the outside of a pronto pup and then lefse and corn. She washed it all down with some organic whole milk; which she spilled all over herself and enjoyed. Here are a few pictures. I am sure with four more hands on Friday we'll get more pictures.
Larye wanted me to post all three of these. I know she's cute, but I still remember how bad spoiled milk baby smelled!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Water, water everywhere...

and it's all good to remember your baptism with. Yep, it is Evy's Baptismal Anniversary. Is that what you call it? Baptism Birthday? Day Nick dumped water on your head and Jesus showed up? I don't know...someone out there help me.

I thought to remember her baptism I would post some old pictures of Evy enjoying water (aka remembering her baptism.)

On the beach in last year August 31

Fort Worth at the gardens in March

At the pool in Calumet in May

In our backyard in June

July in Grandma and Grandpa's creek
Genevyra Lynn, Child of God, you have been marked with the cross of Christ and sealed with the Holy Spirit forever.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Evy in False Bottom Creek

Here is Evy in the Creek!

Evy watches Fish

Here's the video.

Pictures from the Black Hills 2007

Our final big trip of the summer was to go to see my family in the Black Hills. It was fun.

Below, this is Melissa and Evy chilling by the creek.

This is a picture of the creek. I like it. It is good for the wading.

While we were out there, it was my Dad's birthday. Evy got to have some of my dad's great choclate cake. As you can see, she enjoyed it!

Evy playing with a hat.

Evy in her train (it kinda looks like a Pampers box, but it made a great train). Grandma enjoyed giving her rides in it.

Pictures from the 4th

Yep - it's been busy around here. So, hopefully over the next couple days, I'll get the blog caught up. As usual, we did the 4th in Tomahawk. I cooked chicken. Evy ate chicken. It was all good. Here are some snaps from the 4th.

Daddy and Evy watching the parade

Evy enjoying Goldfish Crackers