The Pohlman Family

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Evy is a big fan of fall

Here are a few more pictures.

Since I am going to be in San Antonio on a mission trip next week we dressed Evy up in her Halloween costume a couple of Saturdays ago and took pictures. I think my little Evy Bee is very cute.

Then Sunday the 15th it was nice and warm, so I raked up a pile of leaves to put Evy in for a few pictures. Her Uncle Dan was at our house and he looked just horrified when I told him what I was up to. Leaves make Dan sneeze. He loves his niece. Come to find out, when Larye laid Evy down in the leaves she was frightened. Something about sinking and rustling. Maybe she will have more fun with leaves next year.

Here is Evy the punkin' head with the pumkin Grandpa sent. Granny (my mom) was here this weekend and brought it as Grandpa was out pheasant hunting. We had a lot of fun with Granny. Evy needed some good snuggle time. On Thursday a bigger baby bit her at daycare while they were playing. And then she got her shots on Friday. She is recovering well, but now I can feel some teeth coming in!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Another Lot of Random Pics.

We have been busy with weddings, concrete projects, ordinations, parties, and a big nasty virus. So, here is a smattering of various pictures. I will try to clue you all in a bit.

We are at the State Fair with Sarah our wonderful friend who has worked transportation at the Fair every year forever.

Kisses from Mommy at the beginning of September

Chillin' with Uncle Chris at Grandma and Grandpa's House in Tomahawk

Evy's friend Sam was checking her out at his going away party. Courtney and Giff and Sam moved to Court's hometown of Bemidji.

Confirmation of Evy rolling over. . . on Sept. 26th

Evy giving her monkey kisses...Oct. 2nd