The Pohlman Family

Monday, December 03, 2007

Thanksgiving and More

So, I did not do a really good job this year taking pictures at Thanksgiving. Evy had a really good time. She refused to take a nap and then almost fell asleep in her sweet potatoes. So, Here are some pictures of Evy with Granny and her cousin Hunter after Thanksgiving.This was a pre-Thanksgiving photo of Evy eating supper. The menu that night included salmon, rice pilaf, and Brussels sprouts. This picture is proof throughout the ages that my daughter ate and loved Brussels sprouts (or as I have renamed Asian cabbages).

At a silent auction we had the winning bid for this chair. It has a footstool too. Evy wanted her stuffed animals to try it out with her.

And here she is the next day lecturing her animals.

We are having our attic finished so our back spare room is full of previously stored things. I showed Evy one of my old babies and she has adopted her. I thought she'd play with it for a little while and get bored, but she is in love with her baby. It does have kind of reddish-brown eyes, that are a bit creepy. So here is my baby carrying around her baby.

And who can resist touching the camera while mom is trying to take pictures. (Please excuse the boogers...she has a bit of a cold and will not let anyone near her nose. She did use the sign for "hurt" for the first time the other night and then pointed to her little red nose.)

We got our first real snow on Saturday. Evy was not sure she liked it.

But it got better once she figured out she could touch it and it left a mark.

I hope you enjoyed picture overload. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.


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